Monday, March 10, 2014

Profile Project Progress

In our Digital Media class, Isabella, Jasmine, Angelie, and I are making a documentary about "Words of Wisdom". We interviewed my grandmother, Annie Brown as she talked about being an alcoholic and how she became sober after many years of confusion. The interview takes place at her house, in Kapaa, in her backyard. Annie explains how alcohol had affected her life, and how going to AA meetings has helped her overcome alcoholism. Annie now lives alone with her chickens who lay her fresh eggs everyday, her dog, her cat, her two guinea pigs and her two birds. She is a wonderful and sober grandmother to me and all her other grandchildren. She enjoys going to the beach, spending time with her family, cooking and making art! The documentary explains her life after getting sober and all the benefits from it. Annie is living an alcohol-free life and loving it at the same time!

The technical parts about shooting our b-roll was making sure the camera doesn't move or shake while we are filming. We also had to make sure the shot was within the rule of thirds at all times and that we used composition techniques. In addition, we made sure that our lighting was always natural and great! We also had to keep the camera always in focus! When doing voiceovers you have to make sure that the speaker, which was me, was speaking clearly, loudly and naturally with out messing up. I wasn't allowed to stutter on my words or make any mistakes. Making this video was challenging yet very fun at the same time!

Our team worked together very good, however, my team could work together better by always staying on task! We can also switch jobs more often. It always seemed like one person would always have the same job, every time we filmed. The first time we imported our interview film, it was imported incorrectly and we lost all of the footage, so we had to film the interview again. We learned a lesson, now we know that we always have to check if our footage imported. Sometimes it was difficult because everyone had different ideas and plans for our video, so we had to work together to include everyone's ideas into the video. Overall, we believe that our group worked together very well, which made our video very successful. 

How our group will go from good to great is editing a lot and making our video perfect! We will work together and take turns editing and putting in our voice overs and b-roll. We will make sure our audio is stable through out the whole video and that there is absolutely no camera movement. We can also improve our video by watching and re-watching and re-watching it until we are for sure that there are no mistakes in our final video.

This is our critique from our rough-cut video!


  1. Your blog is so beautiful. I really like your background and all the blues. ok bye.

  2. I really like the fact that all of your blog posts are neat and made with high quality.

  3. Your posts are really amazingly long and well written and I also like how the fishies follow the mouse. :)

    1. Thank you Paige! You can feed the fishes too!

  4. Your Blog looks Great! What made you want to interview your Grandmother?

    1. Thank you! I chose to interview my Grandmother because she tells me all about her life and how it has changed since she has recovered from alcoholism and I thought it was really inspiring how strong and brave she had to be to stop.
