Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

In our digital media class, three team mates and I made a practice story video. The purpose of our practice story is to show and explain how a teenager, Isabella Kotsol became a tennis player. We show how and why she started playing tennis and how it has changed her life. We also explain how Isabella wants to take tennis all the way to her future. We chose Isabella playing tennis as our practice story because it seemed like an interesting topic that we could get a lot of information and good stories out of. We also chose Isabella because we feel like viewers would be more intrigued by sports and how they have changed someone's life, rather than just a student who doesn't have anything exciting about them. Isabella was a great person to interview! The video below is the final practice story that we made and edited in Final Cut Pro!


  1. I love your blog a lot! It's very cute.

    1. Thank you Jaycee! You and your blog is very cute :)

  2. Your blog is very nice! I really like the background you chose.

    1. Thank you Zoey! I really like your blog too!

  3. I really like your blog its really cute!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! I really like your blog, it's so cute!
