Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Five Tips For Maintaining A Clean Room

My team, Isabella, Jasmine, and I, made a "Five Tips" video. It was a video project where we give the viewer five tips for any topic. Our topic was maintaining a clean room. Our tips were, vacuum the floor, pick up any items on the floor, make your bed daily, put all  the clothes neatly in your closet, and get rid of unneeded things and clutter. We chose this topic because we believe that a lot of people have the problem of having a messy room. A lot of our friends have messy rooms and don't have any knowledge on how to clean it and make it look nice. What we could have done better is sequencing and using composition techniques. We also could have made the shot more clear and well focused. We also could have made our voiceovers more natural and clearer. Overall, I think our group did a pretty good job with the completion of this video. Above is the video that my team and I made. 


Below is our storyboard for our video.

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