Friday, February 7, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

In my Digital Media class we made a practice interview video in Final Cut Pro. We interviewed one person in our group and filmed B-roll to go along with the video. We interviewed a student who has played tennis all of her life, Isabella Kotsol. The interview went very smoothly with no flaws. The b-roll footage was also extremely successful as well and we got a bunch of shots of the interviewee hitting the tennis ball with the tennis racket; she hit the balls high and low which made our video very interesting because it showed how much experience she has had in tennis. When we were done filming we went back to class and imported all of the footage onto a computer. 

We made a transcript that presented what questions were asked in the interview and exactly, word for word, how the interviewee answered the questions. The transcript paper also had a transition section where we wrote what the narrator will say in the film to connect each scene together. I was the narrator of our film and we had about 5 different times where it would be my voice in the back ground and some b-roll would be playing on the screen. It was pretty easy to shoot my voice because all I had to do was talk into the microphone on the top of my computer. 

The most difficult part was editing because we only had one class period to do it. We all had to work together and take turns editing, cutting and stitching the video together. We put the b-roll footage and and had to put the audio of my voice into the film and finally our video was complete. It was a little stressful to edit everything and turn it into the server folder on time. We were three minutes late because by the time the bell rang, our video was still exporting into the server folder. However, since our team demonstrated a great amount of team work, we believe that our video turned out very good!