Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

View our video me made in our digital media class!

Sequencing is a very useful thing when making any kind of video. Sequencing is using three different shot types, wide, medium and close up, to make an action a lot more interesting. It uses different camera angles and perspectives. We made and edited our video in Final Cut Pro. In the video that Jasmine, Isabella and I made (above) there is a girl who does the action of opening a door. Although this may seem like an easy, simple, one-shot thing to film, you can make it look ten times better by just sequencing! First you choose what you want to film. After that, you shoot the first part with a wide view! Like in the video above, the wide shot is of the girl walking towards the door. Then, the medium shot is from a different angle, a little closer. In the video the wide shot is of the girl opening the door. Finally, the last shot, the camera was placed inside the bathroom to show the girl coming into the bathroom with a close up view. I persuade everyone to try sequencing while making a video to make it look spectacular!

Wide Shot:

 Medium Shot:

 Close Up Shot:


  1. I like your background image. Also I like how you have details in your writing! Good Job!

    1. Aww, thank you Sydney! Your blog is so cool!
